The Subtle Goodness Of Morse Code
If you are a follower of The Noticed Network you most likely know that this past week was a BIG week for us with the debut of our Noticed Morse Code Bracelets! They are BEAUTIFUL and they are handcrafted by the AMAZING women of Deborah's Legacy, and I am so proud to add them to the lineup of Noticed Gifts.
I wanted to take a moment today to write a bit of the story behind how this project came to life, and why we are using Morse Code. But first let me say …
I have loved every Noticed product that we've ever sold because every time someone purchases a Noticed product, I know that the intention of the purchase is to help Notice goodness. It's hard to believe that the original Noticed Keychain was designed and created nearly 10 years ago, and bringing that little baby to life was truly a labor of love.
Over the years there have been many Noticed products designed, created, & sold (always with the intent to try to make Noticing easier and more natural for both the person being Noticed and the Noticer). It's crazy awesome to me to think that there are over 30,000 Noticed products out in the world and I smile from ear to ear thinking of all the goodness that has been rippled out by us as an invisible - yet very real - network of people who are connected by the mission to Notice goodness. Over 30,000 people! That's more than the capacity of Madison Square Garden!!!

Over the years, I have loved hearing the stories about how Noticing and being Noticed has impacted people. Those stories have helped shape all of the products that we sell and that is certainly true for the Noticed Morse Code Bracelet.
There are a couple of important themes that I've been hearing from people that really set the stage for why Morse Code clicks with Noticing.
I have been so inspired by the people who have chosen to purchase a Noticed product for themselves. If you are reading this and you are one of these people -- Thank you for being you! And you can rest assured that I will not use this blog to tell your personal story :) -- which leads me to point #2.
For many people being Noticed has been something that they are very modest about. I have a huge respect for humility, and though I think it can often be a polite disguise for self depreciation, I understand that we don't want to be arrogant or braggy.
On several occasions I've had a woman confess to me in hushed tones that she is purchasing an extra keychain for herself because she is finally at a place in her life where she can Notice goodness in herself.
I've had men tell me that they are going to tuck the Noticed card, bracelet, or keychain that they received away in a safe place because they know they shouldn't need to be Noticed --but they do.
I've had teenagers ask "What should I say to my friends if they ask me why I have this thing on my bag that says 'Noticed' … cuz I don't want people to think that I think I'm all that."
When I first founded The Noticed Network in 2011, I thought the goal was for everyone in the world to get Noticed. Then, after listening to stories I became really aware of how important being able to receive being Noticed is as well.
When people know they are Noticed the world is a better place, and although this is not rocket science, it can seem like it is when we lay the gorgeous complexity that is the human experience on it.
I believe that whatever I can do to help make Noticing easier to be received is a part of my call to this work. And one of the things that makes me know that it is a calling is that I think about it -- A LOT :)
So, in a moment that was not unlike that scene from the 80's blockbuster "Working Girl", some seemingly random ideas came together to create the idea that has now become the Noticed Morse Code Bracelet. If you were a woman entering the workforce in the 80's or 90's you too may get all the feels when you remember when Tess got a chance to tell Mr. Trask how the idea came together for Trask to get into radio. If you have no idea what I'm referring to, I just mean that this idea came together in a pure and serendipitous way.

I'd been thinking about creating something that people would want to buy for themselves as well as others to use as a Noticed gift.
I'd been thinking about how cool it would be to have a product that was more subtle in its messaging.
I'd been thinking about how I want our product to be for all people: men & women, boys, & girls.

And then in a rare opportunity my father-in-law shared with us some of his experiences from his time in the Army. He was a Morse Code Interceptor stationed in Panama. And that's when I started thinking -- Noticing/ Morse Code, Noticing/ Morse Code.
I did a little research online and found that beads were already being used by makers to replicate Morse Code and thought that a simple, well designed use of beads for Morse Code could be a great solution to the need for products that could help us Notice the goodness in ourselves and others in a humble way.
I mentioned this idea to my friend Allison, the co-founder of Deborah's Legacy, and as if to confirm that all things are orchestrated to help us with our mission, she said that making bracelets might be something that could be a blessing to the women of Deborah's Legacy. My heart leapt! Meaningful Noticed products handcrafted by women who understand the true importance and meaning of being Noticed. Talk about win-win-win!
If you want to learn more about our partnership with Deborah's Legacy I hope you'll check out our blog from last week.
There is a subtle goodness that takes place when people know they are Noticed. It causes people to stand a little taller, smile a little bigger, and shine a bit brighter. Morse Code offers us a subtle way to be reminded of that goodness. In dots and dashes we can be gently reminded that we are Noticed, and we can share this gift with the AMAZING people in our lives.
May you always feel -. / --- / - / .. / -.-. / . / -..
There are 5 Noticed Morse Code Bracelets to choose from and all 5 can also be purchased as a set at a discounted price. You can find them all here. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!!!