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Brave Soul Painting

Today I am Noticing John Bramblitt. What an inspiration you are John. Thank you so much for being brave enough to paint and even more for being brave enough to share your masterpieces with the world!! John is a painter and if you haven't checked out his work I highly recommend it. Although I think most of us would think that we would need our eye sight to paint masterpieces, John is proof that, that is not necessary. You can check out his video right here if you'd like

Although I am not a professional artist like John, this past summer I had the opportunity to do some soul painting with some amazing friends. We were lead by the beautiful and talented Amy Jo of the Soul Paint Co. One of the first things she had us do was put a blindfold on to paint the first layer. After we finished our paintings we talked quite a bit about the experience, and specifically what it was like to paint with the blindfold on. There was a lot of conversation about how the blindfold surprisingly allowed many of us to paint more freely, and enjoy it! It allowed us to let go of our fears of failure, it allowed us to just paint without the critics in our heads Noticing all the bad things and saying all that crazy (and untrue) stuff that critics in our heads tend to say.

Too often we listen to that critical voice in our head. Those negative beliefs about who we are and what we can be can be replaced with positive belief and positive self-talk. Nothing is impossible! We were born with unlimited potential!!! And I believe we were born to Notice goodness!!! ‪#‎Noticed‬ ‪#‎SelfTalk‬ ‪#‎SoulPainting



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