Noticing Neighbors Parade of Hearts
This #Noticingneighbors is all about the joy and unity we have experience through Kansas City's Parade of Hearts.
Amy Johnson
5 min read

Noticing Neighbors Olivia Jones Book Release
This Noticing Neighbors is highlighting the amazing author Olivia Jones who has released her first published book just in time for summer!
Hayley Finch
6 min read

We Get More Of What We Notice
Noticing goodness is a strategy for wellness and I am so grateful to get share it this community.
Amy Johnson
4 min read

Noticing Neighbors Yawa & Co.
This #Noticingneighbors is highlighting Yawa Mensah. She is the founder of Yawa & Co., & she wants you to feel confident in your own skin.
Hayley Finch
5 min read

Noticing Neighbors Kanbes Markets
Kanbe’s Markets is on a mission to make fresh, affordable produce more accessible in Kansas City.
Hayley Finch
7 min read