Our mission is to help people Notice
the goodness in themselves and others.
Our goal is for everyone in the world to know that they are Noticed.
Our hope is that you will join us
in changing the world for good.

We are all connected by our mission to Notice goodness.
That's why we call it a network :)
Our Story

Amy Johnson
is the founder of The Noticed Network and Co-Founder of I AM Noticed.
As a speaker, facilitator, & coach, Amy helps clients of all ages to use the skill set of Noticing to leverage their confidence so that they really want to show up and realize their value! To learn more visit www.amy-johnson.com
In 2011, I founded The Noticed Network. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the AMAZING people in my life, and I wanted to tell them that they were Noticed (that I had seen them, heard their stories, been inspired by them, and most importantly that they mattered to me and the world around them). I made a list of all of these amazing people and I set out on a mission -- a mission of friendship. I designed some keychains that said "Noticed" (I call them Noticed Motifs), had them custom made, and I went to each of these amazing people and shared a heartfelt compliment and gave them a Noticed Motif-- I "Noticed" them.
The reactions to this simple gift changed my life! Just like we are all unique, so were the reactions, but I was blown away by how much it meant to be Noticed. Everyone expressed gratitude, many people immediately wanted to know how they could Notice the people in their own lives (that's really why The Noticed Network exists today), and some people just couldn't believe that they were being Noticed at all.
This powerful reaction to being Noticed got me curious. Some of the questions I started asking were: Why is it so impactful to be Noticed? Why is it challenging for some people to be Noticed? And why is it hard for some people to be Noticers? The answers to these questions revolved around our inherent need for connection and belonging, as well as, the social acceptability of negative intra and interpersonal communication. It is from this understanding that I have developed several of the speaking and coaching programs that I offer today.
And remember all of those people who wanted to Notice the people in their own lives? Well, they started Noticing, and then many of the people who they Noticed wanted to Notice, too. Soon thousands of people were giving and receiving the gift of being Noticed through out the United States and even the world!
Over the past 11 years The Noticed Network has grown so much! As a matter of fact over 70,000 people have been Noticed at this point. That's more than the official capacity of Madison Square Garden!
We added more Noticed Products that are great for men and women, boys and girls of all ages, as well as products that help us Notice the goodness in our own lives. Noticing has come to life in schools through I AM Noticed, and is truly creating positive cultural change. We continue to grow in ways that help us connect with our on-line community. And, we're just getting started!!!
I hope everyone feels welcome to join us as a part of The Noticed Network. You know … The Noticed Network is made up of real people just like you who are choosing to connect with each other in a personal and positive way. We are all connected by our mission to Notice goodness. That's why we call it a network :)
Here are 3 easy ways to be a part of The Noticed Network:
1. You can be a part of our online community- we hope you follow us on Instagram, Facebook &/or Twitter.
2. You can practice Noticing goodness in yourself. Get you own cup filled with inspiring and informative blog articles, download our FREE lock screens & digital downloads, or by doing a daily "One Minute Mirror Challenge". This may seem radical, but when we can authentically Notice the goodness in ourselves, we can authentically Notice the goodness in others.
3. You can Notice the AMAZING people in your life. Noticing with a capital N is so easy!!! Simply, pick your people, pick your products, and pick your praise.
As The Noticed Network has grown over the years I continue to grow in my gratitude for the AMAZING people in my life, and if you are a connected to our mission to Notice goodness in any way that means YOU!
I truly believe that "When people know that they are Noticed the world is a better place.", and I know that together we are making the world better by bringing our mission to life.
May you always feel Noticed,

Our full story is written from the collective stories of those who are Noticing the goodness in themselves and others.
Have you been Noticed? Have you been practicing Noticing goodness in yourself and others? We would love to hear your story! You can share your experiences at stories@thenoticednetwork.com
Here are a few of the Noticed Stories we have received ...
...it meant so much to me ~ and came at a time when I really needed to hear it. It made me feel so good about myself and sparked a little fire in me that I can do anything I set my mind to! ~Tracy, United States of America
Since I seldom think of myself and have positive images about myself, being told that I was Noticed is surprising for me. I feel so happy to know that I AM Noticed! ~Tomoko, Japan
“She was my rock, my best friend and I loved every single minute of it. I guess it was the same for her and that’s the reason for me being Noticed today.” ~ Emma, United Kingdom